Viennese: A Bittersweet Experience in a Cup

Alexandra Istrate

As it was described in last week's articles, light roasts offer acidic, floral, and fruity flavors, a more delicate aroma, and less body than dark roasts. Dark roasts develop smoky, pungent, bitter, and carbonized flavors. To start the series of dark roasting, today's article will be about Viennese Roast.

3 Things to Know about Viennese Roast

1. Characterized by a dark roasting

Viennese roasts are those dropped in the early moments of the second crack when oil has just begun to migrate to bean surfaces.

While the primary cause of the first crack is the buildup of steam pressure, the accumulation of CO2 is the main reason why the second crack occurs. Just before or after the onset of a second crack, oils appear on the surface of coffee beans - almost all roasters would regard this as an objective indicator of a dark roast. At this point, they are usually a darker color compared to full city roasts for example, and a bit shinier from the release of oils.

2. Bittersweet aroma

In the cup: besides the bittersweet aroma, the coffee embraces a caramelly, pungent, and often nutty or spicy taste - characterized by a heavy, syrupy body.

3. The standard roast degree offered by Starbucks

Have you ever wondered what roasting degree is used for the famous Starbucks coffee?

Well, the answer is Viennese. This roasting level is seen as the “crowd-pleaser”, along with full city roast.

Critics contend that a lighter roast highlights a bean’s uniqueness, while a full city or darker roast blunts too much of a coffee’s acidity and delicacy. But when it comes to coffee, it's all about personal tastes and preferences.

To make the right decision when choosing your coffee according to its degree of roasting, we have added to this list another important thing to know about Viennese roasting.

4.* Loss of aroma

Roasted beans gradually lose aroma during storage through outgassing. Darker roasts, with their weaker and more porous cellulose structures, lose aromatics more quickly than lighter roasts do.

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