Viennese: A Bittersweet Experience in a Cup
As it was described in last week's articles, light roasts offer acidic, floral, and fruity flavors, a more delicate aroma, and less body than dark roasts. Dark roasts develop smoky, pungent, bitter, and carbonized flavors. To start the series of dark roasting, today's article will be about Viennese Roast.

Full City Roast: A Ripe Fruit Aroma
Today's article will be about Full City Roast. This roast is the one that results if the roasting process isn’t stopped immediately after the first crack - waiting, the grains thus catching a darker shade of brown compared to those resulting from the City roasting.

City Roast: Coffee After First Crack
Today we will take another step, or another shade of brown, forward on the path that coffee beans take in terms of roasting. Last time we talked about Cinnamon Roast, this time we will leave the coffee beans a little more to roast, so we can enjoy a City Roast coffee.

Cinnamon Roast: A Bolt Herbal Taste
After being harvested, the coffee beans are kept in their green form to preserve their quality and taste. A green coffee bean does not have the properties of a roasted bean. It is soft when you bite it and has a vegetable aroma. Chemical changes occur in the coffee beans while roasting. When they reach the desired level of roasting, the grains are cooled quickly to stop the process for the coffee to remain as it is wished for brewing. Once roasted, the beans smell like coffee, are lighter because the moisture has evaporated, and are ready for grinding and preparation. For today’s article, we will cool de grains very early in the “first crack” and we will talk about Cinnamon Roast.

V60 a avut nevoie de 30 de ani până să ajungă în forma lui finală, designerul acestui instrument fiind Hario. De ce se numește V60? Datorită unghiului conului de 60 grade.

Moka sau în italiană macchinetta a fost inventată în 1933 de Alfonso Bialetti și a devenit cea mai cunoscuta metodă de preparare a cafelei acasă. Potul Moka este faimos printre pasionații de cafea, datorită simplității de utilizare.

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