Prăjirea cafelei
Cinnamon Roast: A Bolt Herbal Taste
After being harvested, the coffee beans are kept in their green form to preserve their quality and taste. A green coffee bean does not have the properties of a roasted bean. It is soft when you bite it and has a vegetable aroma. Chemical changes occur in the coffee beans while roasting. When they reach the desired level of roasting, the grains are cooled quickly to stop the process for the coffee to remain as it is wished for brewing. Once roasted, the beans smell like coffee, are lighter because the moisture has evaporated, and are ready for grinding and preparation. For today’s article, we will cool de grains very early in the “first crack” and we will talk about Cinnamon Roast.

Prăjirea cafelei
În tipul prăjirii, boabele de cafea își schimbă culoarea, pierd umiditate, își măresc volumul și devin sfărâmicioase. În timp ce toți profesioniștii catalogheează nivelurile de prăjire după culoarea boabelor de cafea, nu există un consens în acest sens, respectiv ce nume exact indica fiecare nivel de prăjire.

Christmas countdown: 5 days
Christmas is almost here! The gingerbread is already part of the family, along with the Christmas blend we have been enjoying since the beginning of December. For the Christmas atmosphere to be complete, we are waiting for some snow. But with or without it, Santa will surely find a way to reach everyone, as he does every year. Imagine crossing the whole earth in one night. Madness. I don’t know about you, but I would be really grateful to have a coffee waiting for me next to that glass of milk and those delicious cakes… or maybe 3?!

Special Christmas Gift Idea
hat surprises do you have in mind for your loved ones this year? Socks, gloves, scarves… scented candles? You took them all, for everyone, and you have no ideas left. You want something to make them happy, to remind them of you, to be used with pleasure. We have an idea. Coffee! This Christmas, as a gift, offer coffee. What else could be the perfect match for those Christmas cakes?

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